Four Daily Wins

Welcome to Four Daily Wins, your one stop reference for how to get the most bang for your buck in the Magic: The Gathering Arena Free to Play Experience.

Welcome to Four Daily Wins!


Our goal is to help you maximize your Free to  Play Arena experience (financially speaking) while playing for as little as an hour every day (give or take).

This guide was designed for people who don’t want to spend any money. There is one entry about the most efficient ways to spend your real money if that’s what you want to do, but outside of that, you’ll be able to follow all the advice here without spending a dime. Even if you don't mind spending money though, I'd stick around; many of the tips and tricks in here will still be helpful to you.

It is not feasible (or at least, it's very time consuming) to build a collection and consistently play the latest competitive Constructed decks for free if you can’t win around 50% of your games. There’s no way around that. The good news is that you can play with the free cards you acquire during the tutorial as much as you’d like, and almost anyone can reach at least a 50% win rate with enough practice.

You are not going to learn how to be a better Magic player here, though. If that’s what you’re looking for, check out Jim Davis (aka “Bronze to Mythic”), Paul Cheon, or Kenji Egashira (aka “NumotTheNummy”), all of whom regularly stream on Twitch and release YouTube videos that will help you up your game. You should want to get better because a higher win rate percentage will make it easier to get what you need without paying for it.

For this blog’s purposes, cosmetics (card styles, sleeves, and anything to enhance the visual experience) aren’t factored in. If you like them, you should buy them; just know that if you do, it’ll slow your collection progress.

The first version of this guide only included strategies for players willing to play both Draft and Constructed events. Due to overwhelming feedback, I have developed a method for folks who prefer to only play Constructed. If you see blue text like this and you don't plan on drafting, pay attention, because this is where I explain how your methods might deviate from the rest of the entry.

Still interested? If you’re new to Arena, click here for some guidance on how to get started, or if you already have an active account, you can hit the ground running by browsing the table of contents off to the side.

Is all of this too much for you right now? Don't worry; this abstract gives you a rundown of the most important things to remember. 

Quick disclaimer: Everything I've written in this guide is based on my own personal experiences and opinions. I stand by it, but others may disagree. I wouldn't steer you wrong on purpose, but be aware that I don't have any inside information. This is only what I've learned since joining Arena as a regular user, five years ago.

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